Let me be of service to the SELF and everywhere it shows up, to SEE the pain of its inflicted misery.
Let me be of service to the SELF with all its constant seeking to become something better by naming it and claiming it to SEE the movement of fear.
Let me be of service to the SELF and find someone to love and turn our relationship into the prison of lust to SEE the pain of insecurity, jealousy and resentment that self creates.
Let me be of service to the SELF and accumulate material things and identify with what I have accomplished and achieved, to SEE the pain of my own inadequacy and the source of my greed.
Let me be of service to the SELF and eat whatever I like, when I like to SEE the pain of my gluttony and my disregard for sentient beings.
Let me be of service to the SELF and form images of who and what I am to SEE the seeds of conflict, deceit I willful sow to feel the pain of my loneliness.
Let me be of service to the SELF and identify with my country, my religion and my political views. To SEE and be a witness to the brutality that they initiate, maintain in the conflict of my daily living that leads to the pain of separation division and war of moral purpose.
Let me be of service to the SELF and wheeled authority over my children and ram into them “I know what’s best for you” to SEE the pain of them moving away from.
Let me be of service to the SELF and attempt to control others so that I can be psychologically secure with its superiority to SEE the nature of all hurt.
Let me be of service to the SELF and react to information to SEE the pain of blaming others for how I choose to feel.
Let me be of service to the spirituality of SELF as it clings to its personal experiences to find meaning and purpose, to SEE how it creates the pain of indifference in the terror of being nothing.
Let me be of Service to the SELF in its constant pursuit of psychological security and self-interest as it operates to SEE the suffering it causes others.